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Granting during the Pandemic

In response to the immediate needs of groups serving those most impacted by Covid, the board decided to use the grant money at their disposal in 2020 to provide financial assistance in that area. The groups helped to that end include:

Gleaners $20,000

As we all know, Covid interrupted the operation of Gleaner’s two retail outlets. At the same time that these revenue generators were impaired, Gleaners saw the demand at the food bank grow to levels not seen before. It was an easy call for the Foundation to provide support to this organization that has helped, and continues to help, those in our community who have a basic need for food.

Creston Community Support Group $2,500

When Covid’s effect came to Creston, this group of action oriented volunteers banded together to provide all kinds of support to citizens who needed it. When Covid first arrived, PPE was at a premium and hard to source at all. The Foundation’s grant allowed the Support Group to purchase a 3D printer which they have used to create face shields for their volunteers and clients.

TAPS $9,000

TAPs is a valued program that helps our senior population with social gatherings, meals, and other events. Covid interfered with their ability to gather people together. The demand for take away meals grew when clients couldn’t go to the hall for meals. The Foundation provided funding toward the cost of a new commercial stove and dishwasher that enabled TAPs to meet that demand.

TRP $4,000

When Covid arrived it meant that the riding program at TRP couldn’t go forward. The fees charged to riders usually provides food and veterinary care for the herd. The Foundation’s support helped mitigate that shortfall in revenue.

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